Thank you for bestowing your unique talents to help me through a precarious time in my life. Your energy reading was a revelation and celebration of life. Through our conversation, space was cleared for healing, self-compassion, and wisdom. In that space, you received my fragility with tenderness and humor and you showed me how to receive myself in the same way. From you, I received encouragement to trust my intuition, weather the storms, and shake things off. You showed me a way to heal my inner child so that I can connect more deeply with my partner and child. You helped me recognize milestones and that I'm on the right track. You pulled back the veils and held a candle to my virtues so I could see it for myself. For that, I am eternally grateful.
- Jinnine P.

Elaine has truly been my guiding light in my own personal healing journey through the years. I most recently did a dream interpretation, personal reading and energy healing session with her. She has helped me tap into my inner child that was deeply wounded. I have gained so much understanding and clarity as to why some things are the way that they are and what my purpose is in this lifetime. She’s given me self reflection homework and what I can do to clear any energy blockages. The homework was definitely soul awakening. I have made some major life changes based off of our readings and healing sessions. I am in such a better place today than where I was 5 years ago. Thanks and so much love to you Elaine. You truly are a gift with gifts.
- Nicole R.

It's always been hard for me to connect the dots whenever I would try to sort things out. I used to hear life lessons but wouldn't be able to relate them to my own situation. I always felt like I was missing something. You've helped me bring clarity to my thoughts and build a bridge that connects my thoughts to how I'm feeling. My mind is more open. I feel like I can see better - as if I walked out of a cloudy space to clear skies and sunshine.
- Jen P.

After recently going through some big life changes in my personal life and with my business I was feeling a little lost, a little unsure of the next step. I’m so thankful that I have the support and ear of Elaine. Over the last year we have met in person a number of times and since covid over Zoom. Her words, response and guidance have always felt so genuine and honest. She is able to break down every aspect of her practice even when I don’t fully understand the message. Sometimes I just need to talk and I never feel as though she is just going through the process, I can feel that she is taking in every word. I feel that my thoughts and feelings are understood and that then allows me to accept them for what they are. I am truly grateful to have met Elaine on my life journey.
- Ben B.

The moment I met you Elaine, I felt an immediate connection. It was the most natural and comfortable feeling, like a friend I’ve known for lifetimes. I feel blessed to have a radiant and magnetic force in my counsel. Every reading I’ve had has been relevant and relatable to emotions and events that were going on in my life. Your careful approach addresses the very issues that are being questioned. You’ve been a trusted guide through difficult decisions and moments of uncertainty. I’ll never forget my first reading with you. To be honest, I was never very connected to stones and their healing power until you shared one of your own with me. When you handed me the lithium crystal, upon receiving it, I was immediately charged by it. I felt my whole body tingle and was overwhelmed with emotion. I woke up lighter and more rested than I had in a long time. I keep it by my bedside and meditate with it when I need calming. I am so grateful to have had that experience with you. I always look forward to our time together. Your insight and intuition have helped bring clarity to things unfolding in my life. Elaine, you are a gifted healer and truly my soul sister. Thank you for being a safe space to explore things that are deeply personal & for being my spiritual confidant.
- Daisy S.L.

Savita is innately nourishing, mothering, intuitive. I just had a tarot/intuitive reading and sound healing and she is just naturally gifted in receiving and translating soul messages that speak so true to my heart. And she does so in such a mothering, playful, safe, nurturing way. I highly recommend Savita if you're ever feeling like you need to clear some blockages or seeking more clarity in your next steps. Simply just to have a magical experience getting soaked in your own essence... she is beautiful, a clear channel.
- Kristienne A.

My session with Savita was one of the most insightful, life-affirming, and clarifying conversations I have ever experienced. A 30 minute session with Savita was gifted to me through my mother's circle, and I chose to upgrade to a full session with her because I had a lot of things on my mind. During our time, she offered me insights from my astrological natal chart, her own intuition, and multiple oracle decks. In the end, she created a ritual for me to fully integrate the knowledge that came through. Her process of working with her own intuition alongside astrology and oracle cards felt true, organic, and deeply wise. Her ability to use her many gifts simultaneously while delivering a clear message speaks to her experience and wisdom. At the same time, talking to her about such things as my karmic path and destiny still felt lighthearted and playful. I really appreciated the laughter, tears, and goosebumps that came out of this session--all signs of the profound truth that Savita brought to me. Thank you, Savita! I look forward to many more readings in the future! Big Love and Deepest Gratitude.
- Jasmin I.

It has been such a pleaseure to work with Savita Fujii! She held my space with such integrity, it allowed me to open and flow and trust my own intuition and self(spirit). I have never felt so strong and safe inside myself. All with the guidance and help of Savita. Her insight and questioning, of myself and what to ask my spirit – my body, - she really helped orchestrate wonderful communication between all. Creating a beautiful healing field. It feels I have come so far in such a short time, with the enthusiasm, reassurance, humor and safety I felt in Savita’s presence, she allowed me to flow. I really appreciated every moment her, which helped me feel closer to myself. Thank you, Savita.
- Dazia S.